Waving Saltire Square and Compasses

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire

Square and Compasses Waving Saltire

An Historical Sketch

Brother H Graeme Russell

2015 – 2020

Andrew McKinnon - HM 30At the Regular meeting of Lodge Ancient Stirling No. 30 on 20th January 2015 Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Andrew A. McKinnon received Honorary Membership of Lodge Ancient Stirling.


Alexander CrocketAt the Regular Communication of Provincial Grand Lodge held in Lodge St John Tulliallan No 598 on Tuesday 27th January 2015 Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Andrew A. McKinnon presented Brother Alexander C. Crocket a Past Master of Lodge Craiginnan Dollar No 850 and Past Substitute Provincial Grand Master with his Honorary Grand Rank of Grand Senior Deacon Jewel, the honour having being granted by Grand Lodge the previous November.


Albert DormerDuring the Annual Visit to Lodge Ancient Stirling No 30 on the 3rd February 2015 the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Andrew A McKinnon presented Brother Albert Jack Dormer with the Honorary Provincial Grand Rank of Almoner.


Malcolm SpiersDuring the Annual Visitation of Provincial Grand Lodge to Lodge St John Tulliallan No 598 on Thursday 5th February 2015 Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Andrew A. McKinnon honoured Brother Malcolm Spiers a Past Master of Lodge St John with the Honorary Provincial Grand Rank of Chaplain.


Colin T Wyse with PGLOn Saturday 7th February 2015 Lodge St Servanus No 771 marked its 125th Anniversary with a re-dedication ceremony followed by a Celebration Dinner immediately after and a Cabaret Evening later in the day. The re-dedication service was carried out by Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Andrew A McKinnon, Provincial Grand Senior Chaplain Brother John H Jenkinson and members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire. Brother Colin Wyse was Master of the Lodge for a second time when it celebrated its 125th Anniversary.


Andrew McKinnon - HM 911During the Annual Visitation of Provincial Grand Lodge to Lodge Dolphin No 911 on Thursday 5th March 2015, Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother  Andrew A McKinnon was made an Honorary Member of Lodge, Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Andrew A McKinnon was made an Honorary Member of Lodge.


2015 Annual Divine ServiceThe Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire held its Annual Divine Service in Tulliallan and Kincardine Parish Church, Church of Scotland, Kincardine on Sunday 8th March 2015. Over 120 Freemasons from Stirlingshire and Sister Provinces, some accompanied by friends and family, were in attendance. The service was conducted by the Reverend Brother Alec Shuttleworth minister of Kincardine Church.


Andrew Mckinnon, John McKenzie & Colin T WyseDuring the Annual Visitation to Lodge Camelon by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire on Thursday 12th March 2015 the Right Worshipful Master of Lodge Camelon Brother John Merrilees surprised not only the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Andrew A McKinnon, but also Past  Provincial Grand Master's Brother's Colin T Wyse and John McKenzie by conferring on all 3 Honorary Membership of Lodge Camelon.


John JenkinsonJohn Jenkinson RetiresAt the Regular Meeting of Lodge St John Falkirk No 16 held in that Lodge on Tuesday 14th April 2015 Brother Reverend John Harley Jenkinson was presented with the regalia of a Past Provincial Grand Senior Chaplain by his mother Lodge. Brother John was a Past Master of Lodge Loch Lomond No 1483, Past Grand Chaplain and Past Substitute Grand Master.
The occasion was also marked at the Regular Communication of Provincial Grand Lodge held on 29th April 2015 when the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Andrew A McKinnon presented Brother Jenkinson with an engraved decanter and glasses on behalf of Provincial Grand Lodge. A bottle of ‘Holy Water’ to grace the decanter was also presented to him.
He had served the Province of Stirlingshire as both Provincial Grand Junior and Senior Chaplain for twenty years and demitted Office in June 2015.


2015 Reigning Masters DegreeThe fifteenth Annual Provincial Grand Lodge Reigning Masters’ Degree was held in Lodge Stirling Royal Arch No 76 on Friday 24th April 2015. The Province was honoured by the presence of Brother Ramsay McGhee, Depute Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and Brother David Begg Grand Secretary. The resultant collection realised the significant sum of £910.00. The proceeds were donated to Rett UK.


Andrew McKinnon - HM 76At the annual gathering of Lodges with ‘Royal Arch’ in their name and title, held in Lodge Stirling Royal Arch No 76 on Saturday 2nd May 2015, Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Andrew A McKinnon was made an Honorary Member of Lodge Stirling Royal Arch.


Lodge St John Tulliallan No 598Golf Section Presentation2015 saw the third year for the Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire Annual Golf Competition to be played at the home of Alloa Golf Club, Schawpark Golf Course, Alloa on Sunday 10th May. Overall Winners were Lodge St John Tulliallan No 598.

Kidney Kids Scotland and Forth Valley Royal Hospital were the recipients of the monies raised both receiving cheques for £1000 on Wednesday 30th September 2015.


Andy McKinnon RetiralProvincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire and members of the daughter Lodges hosted a retirement party for the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Andrew A McKinnon in Lodge Zetland No.391 on Saturday evening 23rd May 2015. Brother Andrew was presented with hotel gift tokens to allow him and his wife Elizabeth to continue to enjoy visiting various parts of Britain. Mrs. McKinnon also received a present of suitable and appropriate jewelry and a bouquet of flowers.


2015 Charity Fishing Competition2015 Fishing PresentationThe 2015 Annual Provincial Grand Lodge Charity Fishing Competition  was to have been staged at Carron Valley Reservoir, Denny on Saturday 6th June 2015. Unfortunately ‘El Nino’ played a part through the strong winds and torrential rain that prevailed on the day. A prudent decision was made not to launch the boats but to move the Competition to the much smaller Faughlin Reservoir further down the valley where the weather was no kinder but bank fishing could be carried out in safety. The winning team of two was that of Lodge Craiginnan Dollar No 850 
The proceeds £1,000.00 were donated to the Charity Homestart Falkirk West.


Alistair T MarshallCharles Iain R Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont & Alistair T MarshallBrother  Alistair T Marshall and the Commissioned Office Bearers of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire were installed into their respective Offices on Saturday 20th June 2015, in Lodge Zetland 391, Grangemouth. The Installation was very ably performed by the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason, Brother Charles Iain R Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont, who was accompanied, on the day, by a Deputation of some 29 Grand Office Bearers from the Grand Lodge of Scotland, both past and present. There was also a Deputation of some 19 Sister Provincial Grand Lodges, present, who were headed by Brother Thomas Davidson - Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Lanarkshire Middle Ward.

After the Installation Ceremony, at which 240 "signed the book" ; over 200 Brethren retired to Grangemouth Town Hall to be "fed and watered", along with being treated to some fine Toasts, Speeches and Replies. This culminated in the presentation of a cheque from Provincial Grand Lodge to Grand Lodge of £3000.00 for which the Grand Master Mason was truly appreciative.

For further details of the day click here and for a video of the images taken click here.

Visiting Provincial Grand Lodges

2015 Installation Programme
The Commissioned Office Bearers of the Province Installed by the Grand Master on the day were.
PGM Depute
Brother Gordon Sewell 
Substitute PGM
Brother Sandy Thomson
Substitute PGM
Brother Brian Wright 
PG Secretary
Brother Nicol Scobbie 
Senior PG Chaplain
Brother Alex Montgomery 
Junior PG Chaplain
Brother Alan Leishman 

Winners Lodge Callendar No 5882015 Bowling PresentationThe Annual Bowling Competition in 2015 was held at Polmont Bowling Green on Sunday 16th August where Lodge Polmont No 793 were the hosts. The winners on this occasion were Lodge Callendar No 588.

Central Branch Down's Syndrome Scotland and Age Concern Polmont were the recipients of cheques for £1000 presented to them in Lodge Polmont No 793 on Tuesday 3rd November.

2015 Annual PGL Bowling

176 225th Celebrations

A rededication service was held on Saturday 22nd August 2015 in Denny as part of the 225th anniversary celebrations of Lodge St Andrew (Denny & Loanhead) No 176. The service of rededication was conducted by Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Alistair T Marshall assisted by the Provincial Grand Chaplains, Brother Alex Montgomery and Brother Allan Leishman and the obligation was taken by Right Worshipful Master Brother Kevin McLean on behalf of all members of Lodge St Andrew (Denny and Loanhead) No 176. Thereafter followed a 225th celebration dinner which was held in the Lodge premises.


Willie CampbellIn November 2015 Brother William C Campbell, Immediate Past Master of Lodge Carron No 139 was appointed to Grand Lodge to replace Brother Alistair T Marshal as a Grand Steward.


Allistair Marshall & John McKenzieAndrew Mckinnon and Colin T WyseAt the visitation of Provincial Grand Lodge to Lodge Carron No 139, on 11th November 2015, Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Alistair T Marshall and Right Worshipful Past Provincial Grand Master Brother John McKenzie were granted Honorary Membership of Lodge Carron No 139.
At the following meeting on the 25th November Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master Brother Andrew A McKinnon and Past Provincial Grand Master Brother Colin T Wyse were also honoured with Honorary Membership of the Lodge.


The Grim Reaper came into the Province in November 2015 when Brother Alexander (Sandy) Whitehead passed to the Grand Lodge Above on Wednesday 18th November.
Brother Sandy was a Past Master of Lodge Ancient Stirling No 30, Depute Provincial Grand Master of the Province from 1975 to 1980 and Provincial Grand Master from 1980 till 1985. He was also Depute Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland from November 2001 until November 2002 and the representative from the Grand Lodge of Alberta and Proxy District Grand Master of New Zealand South.

Lodge Ancient Stirling No.30 held a memorial service for Brother Sandy on Sunday 3rd April 2016. The service was led by Brother Graham Campbell Past Master and the devotional aspects of the Service were conducted by Brother Reverend John H Jenkinson Past Master, Past Senior Provincial Grand Chaplain, Past Substitute Grand Master and the readings from scripture were delivered by Brother Alistair T. Marshall Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master and Brothers Alistair W. Wright and Steven Bryant of Lodge Ancient Stirling.


Over the year 2015 Provincial Grand Lodge through various events donated £9614 to various charities and causes throughout the Province and nationally. for full details click here.


John R Bell & Tom WhiteAt the Regular Meeting of Lodge Clackmannan No 1303, on Wednesday 6th January 2016 Past Master Brother Thomas B White was presented with his jewel and certificate of Honorary Grand Senior Deacon which was granted to him by Grand Lodge in November 2015. At the same Communication of Grand Lodge Brother David Bennet, Master Mason of Lodge Buchanan, Killearn No 1419 had been gicen the Honorary Grand Rank of Marshal


The Grim Reaper was once again in our midst in January of 2016 when Brother David D Laing passed to the Grand Lodge Above on Thursday 7th January 2016.
Brother David was initiated in Lodge Callendar No 588 in 1957 and was Master thereof from 1975 to 1977
. He was Substitute Provincial Grand Master of the Province from 1991 until 2000 and Provincial Grand Master from 2000 until 2005.

He was also a reponing member of Lodge Pioneer No. 1305 in 1986 and Master thereof from 1994 to 1995.

Lodge Callendar No 588 held a Memorial Service for Brother David on Monday 18th April 2016. The service was led by Past Master Brother Philip J Crozier in a very capable and dignified manner.


Alistair MArshallAt the Provincial Visitation to Lodge Strathendrick No 780 on Thursday 14th January 2016, Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Alistair T Marshall received Honorary Membership of the Lodge.


The Annual General Meeting and Installation of the elected Office Bearers of the Province took place on Saturday 27th February 2016. Click here of a short video with some images of the day.

2016 AGM

2016 Annual Divine ServiceThe Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire held its Annual Divine Service in Denny Old Parish Church, Denny on Sunday 6th March 2016. Over 70 Freemasons from Stirlingshire and 8 Sister Provinces, some accompanied by friends and family, were in attendance.
An excellent service was conducted by the Rev Bro Colin Mailer, Past Provincial Grand Junior Chaplain, minister of St James Church, Falkirk and the Denny Old organist Mr Paul McIntyre played some excellent and inspiring accompaniment to the hymns. Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Alistair T Marshall, Brother Alex Montgomery, Provincial Grand Senior Chaplain and Brother Allan Leishman, Provincial Grand Junior Chaplain assisted with the readings.


780 125th CelebrationsOn the 9th April 2016 Lodge Strathendrick No 780 celebrated their 125th Anniversary. Members of Provincial Grand Lodge, headed by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Alistair T Marshall officiated at a very fine Re-Dedication Ceremony.


2016 Reigning Masters DegreeThe 16th Annual Reigning Masters Degree took place on Friday 22nd April 2016 returning to the Lodge where it first started, Lodge Zetland No 391. The Province this year was honoured by the presence of Right Worshipful Substitute Grand Master Brother George Kelly.

The event realised the sum of £1000 which was donated to Maggie's Cancer Care Centre in the grounds of Forth Valley Hospital, Larbert on Wednesday 4th May 2016


Lodge St  Servanus No 7712016 Golf Presentations2016 saw the fourth year for the Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire Annual Golf Competition to be played at the home of Alloa Golf Club, Schawpark Golf Course, Alloa on Sunday 9th May 2016. The overall Winners were Lodge St Servanus No 771.

There were two recipients of the proceeds this year Maggies at the Forth Valley Royal Hospital and "Millie's Journey" each receiving a cheque for £850.


The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Alistair Marshall and several Brethren from the Province took part in a sponsored Zip Slide across the Clyde on Saturday 21st May 2016. The Members of the Province were delighted to contribute around £1,500.00 to Prostate Scotland.

Clyde Zip wire slide 

2016 Fishing Competition2016 Fishing PresentationThe annual charity fishing competition, took place on Saturday 4th June 2016. The Winning Team were from Lodge Polmont No 793.

The recipient charity this year was Driving Force Bonnybridge who received  the magnificent sum of £1500.


Daniel (Danny) HolmesAt a Special Meeting of Lodge Dolphin No. 911 held on Saturday 11th June 2016 Past Master Brother Danny Holmes was honoured with the Honorary Provincial Grand Rank of Provincial Director of Ceremonies by Brother Alistair T Marshall, Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master.


The Lodge of Alloa No 692016 Bowling PresentationThe 2016 Provincial Bowling event took place at Dollar Bowling Club on Sunday 14th August 2016 and the overall winners this year were The Lodge of Alloa No 69.

The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Alistair T Marshall visited Dollar Museum on 26th November 2016 to present a cheque, for £2000 to members of Dollar Museum Trust.


The Hirams Wheels Degree TeamHirams Wheels CyclistsA number of Brethren from various Lodges in the Province raised thousands of pounds for Prostate Scotland during a cycle over the weekend of 15/16 October 2016. The cyclists of varying abilities, visited all 23 lodges within the Province, a journey of approx 100 mile.

Amongst other events the Cyclists conferred Second Degree at Lodge St Andrew (Denny and Loanhead) No 176 on Friday 11th November 2016. The collection on the evening of £176.00, was added to the overall fund to be donated to Prostate Scotland.

Presentation to Prostate Scotland

On Sunday the 15th June 2017, "Hirams Wheels" as they had became to be known, assembled in the Shadow of Stirling Castle to present a cheque of £28, 875 to Prostate Scotland.


John McKenzieAt the Regular Meeting held on Monday 24th October 2016 of Lodge Stirling Royal Arch No 76 at which Past Provincial Grand Master Brother John McKenzie had acted as Mark Master of a combined deputation from Lodges 780 1419 & 1483, he was presented with Honorary Membership of Lodge Stirling Royal Arch.


James WeirOn Monday 7th November 2016 at Lodge Callendar No 588 , Brother Alistair T Marshall presented Past Master Bro James Weir MBE with his Certificate and Jewel of Honorary Provincial Grand Director of Music which had been bestowed upon him by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master.


James MalloneThree days later Provincial visited Lodge Camelon 1456 on Thursday 7th November 2016 and the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Bro Alistair T Marshall presented Bro James Malone, Almoner of Lodge Camelon No 1456 with his Certificate and Jewel of Honorary Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies which had been bestowed upon him by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master.

Over the year 2016 Provincial Grand Lodge through various events donated £7195 to various charities and causes throughout the Province and nationally. for full details click here

The Office Bearers of 782The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Alistair T Marshall and his Office-bearers were delighted to carry out a Re-dedication Service at Lodge Ben Cleuch No 782 on Friday 3rd February 2017 to mark the 125th Anniversary of the Lodge.

The Annual General Meeting and Installation of the elected Office Bearers of the Province took place on Saturday 26th February 2017 in the Masonic Hall, Denny, the Home of Lodge St Andrew, Denny and Loanhead No 176.

2017 AGM 

2017 PGLS Divine ServiceThe Annual Divine Service of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire was held on Sunday 5th March 2017 in The Allan Church of Scotland, Bannockburn. The collection of £230.00 was donated to the church funds.


James WhiteAt the Regular Meeting of Lodge Bannockburn Bruce and Thistle No 312 on Thursday, 30th March 2017, Past Master Brother James White, Past Provincial Grand Secretary was presented with his Honorary Grand Rank of Assistant Grand Secretary by the Provincial Grand Master Brother Alistair T Marshall. This had been awarded to Brother White by Grand Lodge the previous November.


2017 Reigning Masters DegreeThe 17th Annual Reigning Masters Degree took place on Friday 28th April 2017 in the premises of Lodge St John Falkirk No 16, hosted by Lodge Camelon No 1456. The Brethren were once again honoured by the presence of Grand Lodge this time they were represented by Right Worshipful Substitute Grand Master Brother Hugh Clelland


Another successful Dinner Dance which was held in the Park Hotel, Falkirk on Saturday 6th May 2017.


2017 Golf Presentation2017 saw the fifth year for the Provinces Annual Golf Competition to be played at the home of Alloa Golf Club, Schawpark Golf Course, Alloa on Sunday 14th May 2017. The overall winners were Lodge Carron No 139.


The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Alistair T Marshall presented a cheque for £2000 to the Forth Valley Scout and Cub Group based in Drymen on 15th June 2017, the monies raised at the golf.


5 Aside PresentationAnother 5 A-side football competition was held on Sunday 28th May 2017. The winners of the football on this occasion were Lodge Slamannan No 484. Maggies Forth Valley were the recipients of the Monies raised on the day £600.

5 Aside


2017 Fishing26 anglers took part in this years Annual Charity Fishing Competition, which was held at Carron Valley Reservoir on Saturday 1st June 2017. This years winners were from Lodge Carron No 139.


Winners 911Bowling PresentationThe Annual Charity Bowling Trophy Competition 2017 was played in fine weather at Bonnybridge Bowling Club on Sunday 13th August 2017. A team from Lodge Dolphin ran out winners

Driving Force Bonnybridge, Bonnybridge Gala Committee, Bonnybridge Youth Football Club and Bonnybridge and Greenhill Historical Society were the recipients of the monies raised each receiving cheques for £500.

On the occasion of the Annual visit of Provincial Grand Lodge to Lodge Loch Lomond No 1483 on Thursday 7th September 2017, Brother Fraser Cleghorn Robb a Past Master of Lodge Loch Lomond No 1483 was presented the Honorary Provincial Grand Rank of Provincial Grand Junior Deacon by Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Alistair T Marshall.

On Saturday 30th September 2017 Lodge Carron No 139 celebrated its 250th Anniversary in the Dobbie Hall Larbert. The ceremony was carried out by Grand Lodge and on this occasion the deputation from Grand Lodge was headed by Right Worshipful Depute Grand Master Brother William Ramsay McGhee.
In Sunday 9th October 2017 several brave Brethren, including the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Alistair T Marshall successfully abseiled from the Millennium Wheel at Camelon. This had been organised to raised funds for Maggies Centre at Forth Valley Hospital and to enhance the 275th fund. A total of £4559.50 was raised on the day with £3000 being presented to Maggies.

Leslie Mair, Robert Henderson, Colin Aldritt, Ronnie Hay, Tom Adams & Russell McKendrickDouglas Buck & Thomas PatersonAt the Annual Meeting of Grand Lodge held on Thursday 30th November 2017 it was announced that two members of the Province had been given Honorary Grand Rank. Brother Dougie Buck of Lodge St Servanus No 771 and Brother Leslie Mair of Lodge Loch Lomond No1483 were both granted Honorary Assistant Grand Secretary.

Brother Leslie Mair was present with his Diploma and Jewel on Thursday 07 December 2017 and Brother Dougie Buck was presented with his at the Regular Meeting of Lodge St Servanus No 771 on Monday 5th February 2018. At the same meeting the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Alistair T Marshall conferred the Honorary Provincial Grand Rank of Provincial Grand Senior Deacon on Past Master Brother Thomas Paterson also of Lodge St Servanus.


Over the year 2017 Provincial Grand Lodge through various events donated £41,330 to various charities and causes throughout the Province and nationally. for full details click here.


John McTaggartAt the Provincial Grand Lodge Annual Visit to Lodge St. John Tulliallan No 598, on Thursday 4th January 2018, the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Alistair T Marshal presented Brother John McTaggart Past Master with the Honorary Provincial Grand Rank of Almoner.


Alan Leishman & Lenny McCombeAt the Regular Communication of Provincial Grand Lodge on Tuesday 30th January 2018, Right Worshipful Master Brother Alistair T Marshall announced changes to the Commissioned Office-bearers and subsequently obligated and installed Brother Alan Leishman, Past Master of Lodge St John Falkirk No 16 as Provincial Grand Senior Chaplain and Brother Leonard McComb, Past Master of Lodge St John Slamannan No 484 as Provincial Grand Junior Chaplain.

At the Regular Meeting of Lodge St Servanus No 771 on the 5th February 2018 the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master honoured Brother Thomas Paterson a Past Master of Lodge St Servanus with the Honorary Provincial Grand Rank of Senior Deacon.

In lieu of sending Christmas Cards again in 2017, the Brethren of Provincial Grand Lodge gather and subsequently presented, on the 15th February 2018, £400 to Mr. Gavin Lamb, Consultant at the Urology Unit at Forth Valley Royal Hospital.

Alistair Mashall & Colin WyseThe Annual Meeting of Provincial took place on Saturday 24th February 2018 within the premises of Lodge St Servanus Alva No 771. Click here for a short video.

Also on that day there was a special presentation to Past Provincial Grand Master Brother Colin T Wyse of a unique certificate to mark 50 years as an Office Bearer of Provincial Grand Lodge. An amazing achievement.

Provincial Grand Lodge Office Bearers 

The Annual Province Divine Service was held on Sunday 11th March 2018 in Tulliallan Parish Church, Kincardine. The Reverend Brother Andrew Paterson conducted the service while Lodge St John Tulliallan No 598 acted as host. The collection of £294.00 was donated to the church funds.


George M BalmerThe Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Alistair T Marshall was pleased to confer the Honorary Provincial Grand Rank of Provincial Grand Senior Deacon on Brother George M Balmer Past Master of Lodge Abercromby No 531 on the occasion of the Annual Visit to that Lodge on Tuesday 27th March 2018.

At the Regular Communication of Provincial Grand Lodge on  Wednesday 25th April 2018 the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother  Alistair T Marshall presented to Provincial Grand Lodge a set of three glass vials and three silver salvers to hold corn, wine and oil, for the use of Provincial Grand Lodge when carrying out re-dedication ceremonials. Provincial Grand Secretary  also donated three table cloths suitably embroidered which had been made by his good Lady.
John JenkinsonOn 25th April 2018 the Brethren of the Province were saddened to hear of the passing of another of the characters in Freemasonry within the Province in the person of Reverend Brother John Jenkinson. John was a Initiated into Lodge St John Falkirk affiliated to Lodge Loch Lomond and became Master thereof.  He had held the Provincial rank of  both Junior and Senior Chaplain for many years and was also Past Grand Chaplain and Past Substitute Grand Master.

Reigning Masters DegreeOn Friday 27th April 2018 Lodge Loch Lomond No 1483 was the host Lodge for the 18th Annual Reigning Masters Degree. Grand Master Mason Brother Charles Iain Robert Wolridge Gordon of Esslemont and Grand Secretary Brother David M Begg honoured the Province with their presenc..

A magnificent sum of £850 was raised and presented to the representative of the local community garden project.

793On Friday 5th May 2018 Lodge  Polmont No 793 Celebrated its 125th Anniversary and a Re-dedication ceremony was performed by Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Alistair T Marshall and the Office-bearers of Provincial Grand Lodge.

MND Presentation2018 saw the Provincial Grand Lodge Annual Golf Competition moved to Braehead Golf Club, at Cambus by Alloa on Sunday 13th May. The overall Winners were Lodge St Servanus No 771.

The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Brother Alistair T Marshall presented a cheque for £2100 to Iain McWhirter, Fund Raising Manager of Motor Neuron Disease, Scotland the proceeds of the day


2018 FishingAshlee EastonThe anglers, of the Province, took part in the Annual Fishing competition which was held on Saturday 2nd June 2018. It was challenging conditions on Carron Reservoir. Winning team, were from Lodge Clackmannan No. 1303.Ashlee Easton

Due to circumstances the presentation of the monies raised could not be made until the 8th April 2019 when the Provincial Grand Master Depute Brother Gordon Sewell made the presentation to Ashlee Easton who received a cheque for £1100 for her campaign with Solving Kids Cancer.


PGL Bowling 20182018 BowlingThe Annual Charity Bowling Competition was held at Clackmannan Bowling Club on Sunday .12th August 2018. The winners on this occasion was Lodge Zetland No 391.

On Sunday 18th November 2018 in Lodge Clackmannan No 1303, the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Alistair T Marshall presented cheques to three local groups within the town, Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brownies, Brucefield House for Autism and the Boys Brigade, each receiving a cheque for £800.00 raised form the event.


Cowie 2018On Saturday 22nd September 2018 Provincial marked 100 years since the end of World War One at a wreath laying Ceremony at the War Memorial in Cowie.

Amongst the dignitaries present were the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Alistair T Marshall, The Lord Lieutenant of Stirling and Falkirk, Alan Simpson, The Provost of Falkirk, William Buchanan, The Provost of Clackmannanshire, Tina Murphy, Falkirk Councilor, James Kerr, Stirling Councilor, Maureen Bennison & Brother David A. Reid, Grand Sword Bearer.

The creation of the War Memorial and Memorial Garden in the village of Cowie, Stirlingshire was the result of research carried out by local resident William Stevenson, PG Junior Warden.

Click here to see a short video of more images.


484 - 150thOn Saturday 29th September 2018 Lodge St John Slamannan No 484 celebrated 150 years of Freemasonry. A rededication Ceremony was held in Lodge Zetland carried out by Grand Lodge of Scotland Office Bearers headed by Substitute Grand Master brother Hugh Clelland after which a Celebration Dinner was held in Grangemouth Town Hall followed by a dance.


Alex MontgomeryPast Master Brother Alexander Montgomery (Monty) of Lodge Slamannan No 484, Past Senior Provincial Grand Chaplain received his Honorary Substitute Provincial Grand Master's Jewel and Diploma from right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Alistair T Marshall at Lodge St. John Slamannan's installation held on Saturday 3rd November 2018.


PGLSThe Province was represented at The Wreath Laying and Remembrance Service at The Grand Lodge of Scotland on Sunday 4th November 2018. Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Brother Alistair T. Marshall along with Provincial Office-bearers and members of the Daughter Lodges attended a Parade and Service of Remembrance in Edinburgh to honour the Fallen of the Great War.


CTW 1At the Regular Meeting of Lodge St. Servanus No 771 on Monday 12th November 2018 Past Provincial Grand Master Brother Colin Terris Wyse was presented with his Platinum Certificate marking 70 years a Freemason. Brother Wyse was also presented with a platinum breast jewel, one of only two issued to date, the other being presented to Lord Elgin.

A fine deputation from Grand Lodge headed by Past Substitute Grand Master Brother George R Kelly was also in attendance.

Over the year 2018 Provincial Grand Lodge through various events donated £11,484.80 to various charities and causes throughout the Province and nationally. for full details click here.


Hammy McGlonePast Master James Wright Reid of Lodge St. Andrew (Denny & Loanhead) No 176 was presented with a certificate and jewel to mark his Grand Lodge of Scotland Honorary Rank of Director of Ceremonies by Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Bro Alistair T Marshall at the regular meeting of Lodge St Andrew on Thursday 14th February 2019. This was granted by Grand Lodge in November 2018. Brother Hamilton McGlone a Past Master of The Lodge of Alloa No 69 was also honoured by Grand Lodge that year by being granted the Honorary Grand Rank of Honorary Grand Junior Chaplain and his presentation took place on Thursday 4th April 2019 at the Regular Meeting of the Lodge of Alloa No 69.


PGM at 771The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Alistair T Marshall was give Honorary Membership of Lodge St Servanus No 771 on Monday 18th February 2019.

The AGM of Provincial took place on Saturday 23rd February 2019 in the Masonic Temple, Lint Riggs, Falkirk. To view some images from the day click here.
2019 AGM

Iain McMillanBrother Iain McMillan Past Master Lodge Abercromby No 531 was awarded the Honorary Provincial Grand Rank of Substitute Master during the Annual Visit of Provincial Grand Lodge to his adopted Lodge on Tuesday 26th March 2019. The presentation was made by Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Bro Alistair T Marshall. Brother McMillan had been Provincial Grand Treasurer for 9 years.


William McMeechanBrother William McMeechan Past Master, of Lodge Ancient Stirling No 30, was presented with the Honorary Provincial Grand Rank of Director of Ceremonies by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Brother Alistair T Marshall at the Provincial Regular Communication of Wednesday 24th April 2019.


RM 2019On Friday 26th April 2019 the 19th Annual Reigning Masters was held in the premises of Lodge St John Tulliallan No.598. The Province was honoured by the presence of Brother George Kelly Past Substitute Grand Master and Brother J Euan Edment Grand Secretary. A total of £850 was raised on the night and was donated to Kincardine Children’s Gala (£425) and 1st Tulliallan Boys Brigade (£425).


176On the back of an initiative by Provincial Grand lodge the Right Worshipful Master of Lodge St Andrew (Denny ad Loanhead )No 176 organised and held a Young Masons Degree in Lodge St Andrew. Young Masons from many Lodges in the Province took part.

2019 Golf2019 Golf Presentation2019 saw the Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire Annual Golf Competitions second year at Braehead Golf Club, at Cambus by Alloa on Sunday 12th May. Lodge Ladywell No 1474 were the overall winners.

On Monday 8th July the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Brother Alistair T Marshall presented a cheque for £3500.00 to Claire Kennedy and staff of Strathcarron Hospice.


5 AsideAnother 5-a side Tournament was held in Grangemouth on Sunday 26th May 2019. Lodge St. John Slamannan No. 484 retained the trophy


Provincial BowlingProvincial BowlingThe Provincial Grand Lodge of Perthshire West and Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire, Inaugural Provincial Bowling Trophy, was held at  held at Spittalmyre Bowling Club, Stirling on Sunday 26th May 2019, which was won by Stirlingshire.


PGL Fishing 2019FishingTwelve boats were out on Carron Reservoir, Denny on Saturday 1st June 2019 for the Annual Charity Fishing Competition. The winning Lodge was Lodge Ancient Stirling No. 30

On Tuesday 26th November 2019 Provincial Grand  Master Depute Brother Gordon Sewell, presented a cheque for £1100 to Quiet Waters.


2019 BowlingAnother successful Provincial Charity Bowling Competition was staged at Balfron Bowling Club on Sunday 4th August 2019. The winners were a team from the host Lodge Lodge Buchanan Killearn No 1419.








The event raised £2200 which was donated to two local charities, Killearn Guides, Brownies and Rainbows & Killearn Golden Age Group, on Sunday 24th November 2019, each receiving a cheque for £1100.

PGL Bowling PGL Bowling
On Saturday 17th August 2019 the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Alistair T Marshall received Honorary Membership of Lodge Bannockburn Bruce and Thistle No 312 and then on 13th November 2019 he was made an Honorary Member of Lodge Polmont No 793.  
Lodge Loch Lomond No 1483At the Annual Visit of the Provincial Grand Lodge to Lodge Loch Lomond No. 1483 on Thursday 5th September 2019 the ceremony of Dedicating Lodge Loch Lomond's new Regalia was carried out by Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Brother Alistair T Marshall ably assisted by Bro. Allan T Leishman Senior Provincial Grand Chaplain.

At the Annual Meeting of Grand Lodge on Thursday 28th November 2019 Past Master Brother Mathew Gibb of Lodge Stirling Royal Arch No 76 and Brother Nicol Scobbie of Lodge Zetland No 391 were given Honorary Grand Rank. Brother Gibb becomes Honorary Grand Almoner and Brother Scobbie becomes Honorary Grand Senior Deacon.


Iain McMillanBrother Iain McMillan Past Master, Honorary Provincial Substitute Master, was delighted to receive an award from Provincial Grand Lodge In recognition of his nine years service (2010 - 2019) as Provincial Grand Treasurer. Brother Brian Wright Substitute Provincial Grand Master took the opportunity to present him with a Past Treasurers Jewel on Saturday 21st December 2019l



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