Waving Saltire Square and Compasses

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire

Square and Compasses Waving Saltire

Toast to Grand Lodge


Brother Gordon Sewell
Provincial Grand Master Depute

Gordon SewellRight Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Most Worshipful Grand Master, Distinguished Brethren and Brethren all, it is my pleasure and privilege to propose the toast to the Grand Lodge of Scotland on this occasion to celebrate the 275th Anniversary of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire.

Everyone present here today is well aware of the support and the guidance that the Grand Lodge of Scotland Office-bearers give to the Provincial Grand Lodges and the Lodges of the Provinces under their jurisdiction.

Grand Lodge is also a great supporter of various charitable organisations, masonic and non-masonic, which they support, Poppy Scotland, Prostate Cancer, Masonic Care Homes, and Overseas Support, such as Bahamas Disaster Relief Fund to name a few.

One of the big talking points this year is the Prostate Scotland Abseil Venture: Grand Almoner Brother Tom Davidson has advised that Mr. Adam Gaines of Prostate Cancer Scotland has arranged a fund-raising event for this year, 10th May, where sponsored volunteers can abseil from the Forth Road Bridge. He has made 32 places available to Grand Lodge, one for each Province.

The Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason Brother William Ramsay McGhee and the Office-bearers of Grand Lodge are very much in demand so much so that I have been informed that there is one free weekend in the Grand Lodge Callendar for the coming year so we are very grateful that they have turned out in such large numbers to carry out the 275th re-dedication ceremony here in the Province of Stirlingshire. At this time I would like the thank the Office-bearers who took part in today’s ceremony which was carried out to an extremely high standard, congratulations to all.

Brethren the duties of a Grand Lodge Office-bearer are over and above their commitments to their Mother Provinces, both Mother and Affiliate Lodges, working life and family life so you see how busy these Brethren are, not to mention the many miles they cover in a year travelling to the different venues in Scotland and abroad.

I would now ask all present to be upstanding to propose the toast to the Grand Lodge of Scotland coupled with the name of the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason Brother William Ramsay McGhee.



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